Friday, May 1, 2015

Burlesque Dancer Tears Apart Negative Body Image

Lillian Bustle, an award-winning burlesque dancer, gets on stage for TedxNewJersey and talks about her experiences with burlesque and body image.  She is unashamed to admit that she is fat.  One of the most common misconceptions is that the word fat means ugly.
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She addresses that the number one magic wish for girls age 11-17,  wish that they were thinner.   I think most people know that wish, and Lillian herself admits to it.  Eating disorders are a serious problem in the United States
One of the most interesting things she addresses is the studies that are conducted that prove that what one sees more often, is what one defines as beautiful.  When one was more often exposed to little bodies, they preferred little bodies.  When one was exposed to larger bodies, they preferred larger bodies.  This illustrates how, if everyone was constantly exposed to all kinds of body types, we would all accept, tolerate, and even prefer all kinds of bodies.  
Lillian really addresses some of the most important points when it comes to body image and courage.  It is important for women, for all people, to know that fat is not the worst thing you can be. 

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