Monday, May 4, 2015

Photoshop: A Friend and a Foe

Photoshop is a great tool for artists, and is used pretty much universally.  Personally, I use Photoshop all the time and I love it.  Unfortunately though, this wonderful tool for graphic design and artistic endeavors is also being utilized to damage the self esteem of girls and women across the nation.  These time lapses demonstrate just how incredibly altered the images that we see every day are.  Simple changes add up quickly, and by fixing each and every little flaw, we instill the idea that all women are supposed to be flawless one hundred percent of the time.

1 comment:

  1. This is creating false ideals for impressionable young people. Young people are already self-conscious about their bodies and looks. Manipulating pictures by making the subjects look flawless will make adolescents feel less adequate and not up to par. This can lead to many taking unhealthy steps in order to achieve a falsehood.
